Sea Arch
2020, oil on canvas, 16" x 20"
The Shovel Point Sea Arch was once a natural stone arch along the Lake Superior shoreline within Minnesota's Tettegouche State Park. In 2010 the arch fell into Lake Superior leaving the sea stack which became a popular landmark. A major winter storm dropping over a foot of snow, east winds gusting in excess of 50mph and crashing waves toppled the sea stack in the early hours of December 1, 2019.
The Shovel Point Sea Arch was once a natural stone arch along the Lake Superior shoreline within Minnesota's Tettegouche State Park. In 2010 the arch fell into Lake Superior leaving the sea stack which became a popular landmark. A major winter storm dropping over a foot of snow, east winds gusting in excess of 50mph and crashing waves toppled the sea stack in the early hours of December 1, 2019.